Suffolk Lady with Fibromyalgia Recovers Independence With TGA Mobility Scooter Competition Win
Trish Hale, 64 from Great Cornard in Suffolk, who lives with Fibromyalgia, has been able to recover her independence and the ability to walk her dog thanks to winning a TGA Eclipse mobility scooter. Trish entered the East Anglian Daily Times competition to win the mobility scooter. Trish's condition means she has problems walking and her condition also causes chronic fatigue, pain and joint stiffness - hence the requirement for a scooter to remain mobile. By winning this fantastic prize, Trish now has the ability to join her husband, Tony, for walks with their daughter and Staffordshire Bull Terrier rescue dog, Molly. They are also planning to visit Felixstowe soon so they can all enjoy the scenic Essex coastline together. Trish comments: "I was absolutely thrilled to hear the news I'd won this TGA Eclipse, I'm chuffed to bits with it. I nearly missed out entering this competition, as the first three text messages I tried to send, wouldn't work. See mor...